Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shortcuts and Hotkeys

I realized that for those who don't use shortcuts everyday it may be confusing how to actually hit the sequence of keys correctly. For the sake of example I'll talk about copy and paste.

The command to copy highlighted text is Ctrl + C.

What does the '+' sign mean?

The general answer is that you hold down all keys in the command except for the last, which is hit just like normal typing. 

Try This:
Highlight this row of text, and do Ctrl + C by holding Ctrl and pressing 'c'
Open notepad or Word and press Ctrl + V, the text should appear!

This same pattern applies to commands with more than two keys. My last post was about minimizing all windows. The command to bring the windows back is 

Shift + Windows Logo + M

Following the same rules, hold Shift, then hold Windows Logo, then press M. Try Windows Logo + M first to shrink everything so you know if you did Shift + Windows Logo + M right when all the windows come back!

Does it need to be a capital letter?

No! Shift is used for a lot of shortcuts and should only be used when specified in the command.

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