Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tab please!

Many people are familiar with browser tabs, allowing you to open several web pages in the same browser window. Sometimes trying to manage them can be difficult, specifically you might try to close a tab but instead close the whole browser, losing all of your open tabs. The following shortcuts will ensure that you do exactly what you want when managing tabs and avoid frustrating situations.

Open a new tab: Ctrl + T
Close your current tab: Ctrl + W
Open the last closed tab: Ctrl + Shift + T

Try it! Press Ctrl + T to open a new blank tab, go to your favorite website, then press Ctrl + W to close it. Now that it's closed, you realize that you actually wanted to keep that tab around, so press Ctrl + Shift + T and magically the tab you closed comes back!

There are several other helpful shortcuts but I'll leave those for another day.